Wednesday, March 19, 2008

You're my little girl


Lyn said...

Somehow, you have become the man you should and were meant to be. Thank you for sharing everything about you and your daughter with me and my family. I am here for the both of you and will always be there for you, two, too!!!

jenhenderson6 said...

Tough guy Roger has mellowed and softened in the presence of his beautiful Jenna Bear. You are a wonderful Daddy and it's evident every time Jenna lights up when she awaits your arrival. I treasure all the moments I see both of you together, Daddy and his little Daddy's girl. We ARE family, and where your daughter brought us all together, we now stand beside you. You have accomplished so much and we're so proud of you and your success!

Lyn said...

Uncle Roger, you are a great father to nenna bear. She loves you very much. She has also brought you closer to ur family. Love you -naya